Optimizing Employee Admission Selection Using G2M Weighting and MOORA Method
Data-Driven Ranking, Employee Admission Selection, G2M Weighting, MOORA Method, Optimal ApproachAbstract
An objective and effective employee admission selection process is a crucial step for the success of the organization in achieving its goals. Problems in employee recruitment selection often arise due to a lack of good planning and system implementation, namely decisions are often influenced by personal preferences, stereotypes, or non-relevant factors, thus reducing objectivity in choosing the best candidates. Objective selection ensures that candidate assessments are conducted based on measurable, relevant, and bias-free criteria, so that only individuals who truly meet the company's needs and standards are accepted. The purpose of developing an optimal approach in employee admission selection using G2M weighting and MOORA is to create a more objective, efficient, and accurate selection process. This approach aims to integrate the calculation of criterion weights mathematically, such as those offered by G2M, in order to eliminate subjective bias in determining criterion prioritization. The MOORA method of evaluating alternative candidates is carried out through ratio analysis that takes into account various criteria simultaneously, resulting in a transparent and data-driven ranking. The results of the employee admission selection ranking based on the criteria that have been evaluated, Candidate 3 obtained the highest score of 0.4177, indicating that this candidate best meets the expected criteria. The second position was occupied by Candidate 6 with a score of 0.3886, followed by Candidate 9 with a score of 0.3528. This research contributes to the recruitment process, by providing a more reliable, transparent, and less subjective way of selecting the right candidates for the positions that companies need.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Yuri Rahmanto, Junhai Wang, Setiawansyah Setiawansyah, Aditia Yudhistira, Dedi Darwis, Ryan Randy Suryono

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