Mobile-based Application Development on Admission of New Students with Design Science Research Methodology
Admission of New Students, Application Design, DSRM Methods, Mobile ApplicationsAbstract
Increased use of mobile devices in recent years has led to a change in human behavior as users. Mobile devices today are being used for a wide range of sectors ranging from entertainment, and business to education. In the field of education, it can be used to interact between teachers and students, and lecturers with students, and can also be done for registration of New Student Admission. The presence of PMB registration through mobile devices can help prospective students apply wherever they are without having to come directly to the campus. It's not implemented by the Indonesian Siber University. (Cyber University). The Cyber University campus is currently implementing New Student Admission registration directly through the campus, so this process is still likely to take a long time. To solve the problem, this study will solve the problem of new student enrolment that is still being done manually to be digitized by building mobile-based applications. The method to be used is the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) known as the fast method because it includes the Agile software development model. The programming language used is the Dart-based Flutter framework. As a result of the research carried out, the mobile-based PMB application on the Cyber University was successfully constructed and in line with expectations. Candidate students can download the app on the Google PlayStore with the keyword Cyber PMB
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