The Method User Experience Questionnaire Analysis of Identitas Kependudukan Digital Application
Identitas Kependudukan Digital (IKD), User Experience (UX), User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)Abstract
User Experience (UX) becomes important to explore and fulfill the needs for developing user-focused applications or products. The problems that exist to measure the level of user experience in the Digital Resident Identity (IKD) application and complaints submitted by users tend to lead to system and service quality problems in the IKD application. Then research purposes are assessed to evaluate the extent to which users can utilize and interact with the application. The method used by researchers is the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). UEQ is a widely used scoring methodology used to quantitatively measure user experience by administering a questionnaire to individuals that measures their subjective experiences and perceptions. Variables in UEQ, namely: efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, novelty, stimulation, and interestingness. The evaluation results of user experience in IKD applications using UEQ showed that there were 5 variables that received positive evaluation results, including attractiveness variables (mean 2.14), clarity variables (perspicuity) (mean 1.725), efficiency variables (efficiency) ( mean 1.725), accuracy variable (mean 1.525), and stimulation variable (mean 1.475). Whereas the novelty variable (mean 0.602) gets neutral evaluation results. From these results it can be used by IKD application developers to improve the user experience (user experience) of IKD applications on novelty variables by improving the appearance of applications that are more creative, inventive, and also cutting edge. The developer can pay attention to the recommendations that have been presented in this study. Parties who wish to conduct further research can use other evaluation methods such as Heuristic Evaluation.
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