Feminism Barbie Through a Sociological Lens Analyzing Liberal and Radical Feminism in Contemporary Media
Feminism, , Sociological Perspective, Movie BarbieAbstract
The study entitled “Feminism in movie “Barbie (2023)” based on sociological perspective” examines feminism within the movie “Barbie (2023)” and examines feminism within the movie “Barbie (2023)” based on sociological perspective, this study aimed to identify type of feminism portrayed within movie “Barbie (2023)” and to examine feminism within the movie “Barbie (2023)” through four (4) theoretical perspective of sociological perspective, this thesis analyzing the script of movie “Barbie (2023)” employs qualitative method. From the analysis then revealed; 1) Out of four (4) types of feminism namely liberal feminism, radical feminism, marxist feminism and social feminism, the study revealed two (2) type of feminism liberal feminism and radical feminism portrayed within movie “Barbie (2023)”, nineteen (19) portrayal of feminism occurred, specifically nine (9) portrayal of liberal feminism and ten (10) portrayal of radical feminism. 2) Four (4) theoretical perspective of sociological perspective namely symbolic interactionism, social conflict theory, structural-functionalism, and feminist theory served different perspective of feminism portrayed within movie “Barbie (2023)”. The finding above expected to broaden the understanding portrayal of feminism within the media also view the portrayal of feminism through four (4) main theoretical perspective.
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