Neutralization, Automatic Acidity (pH), Liquid Waste, Maintenance EfficiencyAbstract
One of the effects of the rapid industrial growth is the risk of environmental pollution. If it is not anticipated then the life cycle of living things will be threatened, therefore the government strictly makes regulations regarding the threshold for wastewater quality standards that must be met by every industry. But the role of the government is not enough to protect nature from pollution without any awareness from all parties. Every industry and household must be aware of the dangers of pollution to the lives of living things. Chemical testing laboratory is a testing industry that produces waste water with very low acidity, namely pH 1-2 compared to normal water acidity, namely pH 6 -9. This low acidity is caused by chemical reagents and chemicals from the test. Therefore PT "XXX" as one of the large testing institutions has made a wastewater treatment plant (IPAL) to protect the environment from the dangers of pollution and to meet the requirements set by the government. PT. "XXX" independently with a system that starts with Coagulation, namely slow stirring system, Flocculation, namely fast stirring, settling system, filtration, effluent and finally sludge drying bed. To neutralize the acidity of the waste, PT "XXX" uses caustic soda (NaOH) but the mixing into wastewater is still manual which has weaknesses in control. To maximize the wastewater treatment plant at PT. “XXX” requires the distribution and mixing of neutralizing agents (NaOH) automatically with neutralization equipment units with tools such as pH meters, dosing pumps, stirrers and others.
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